Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bothersome Beyond Belief

So, if you read my last post, titled "Some People..." you'd know I'm in a little bit of a pickle right now, with an ex-bestfriend. Well, it's gotten even more complicated since then. However, all I want to do right now is scream. Why? SHE MADE A BLOG TOO. Her Aim status update: "i havee a blog! good luck finding it (:" How bothersome, considering I made mine weeks ago, and NOW she decides she wants one too. Nice. Even nicer, considering she made it on the four month anniversary, of when she decided she never wanted to speak to me again. Strange? Most definitely.
Well, I'd best be going now. I'm going to attempt to find her blog, and see if she's written about me. Wish me luck.

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