Friday, November 19, 2010

If You Asked Me How High School Is...

... I honestly would not know what to say.
So many things have happened since 8th grade. Now, all of a sudden, I am a freshman, and my world has practically been turned upside down. I feel as though I have made a some new friends, but no new best friends have shown up in my life yet.
I have also lost a few friends this year, but I honestly think I will be alright in the end.
However, I do so believe that I am on the verge of losing a very close friend... it's rather depressing, how now when I look at my friends, I just do not see the people I would happily be friends with. This person is embarrassing, that person changed negatively, and the list goes on.
I feel as though I am being a brat, trying to pick and choose my friends... but honestly, what's the point of being friends with a person you do not enjoy being around.
Because I just do not feel right being around some of my friends.They have made new friends, and moved on just fine, leaving me behind in the dust. So why do I not just move on, too?
Because I want someone I can call a best friend, too.

Marching band is probably the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. I have met some amazing people, and even though I still do not have a best friend, or even many close friends, most of my good friends are in marching band. It's just been an amazing experience, and I am so sad that the season is over already...
But hey, that's what Indoor (Percussion) is for. (:

Well I honestly do not remember what I was going to write after that, so I am just going to publish this now... good-bye for now!


  1. High school can be tough. I'm a sophomore, so I know what you're going through! Any time you wanna talk...

  2. Haha, thanks! & High school really isn't as easy as I expected it to be; I actually have to try to succeed in all of my classes, & time management is now necessary, haha.

  3. Oh, I know, right?
    But please take thus advice AND DO NOT-- under ANY circumstances-- TAKE CHEMISTRY.
    I have a project due Monday. No happy Thanksgiving for me. :-(
