Friday, November 26, 2010

I Quit Blogging.

Well it's been fun. Not really. I liked this better before, when I had zero followers, and none of my friends knew about this. I just do not feel like explaining every post. Sorry to all two of my followers, ha ha, but maybe someday I will come back to this, and post mindless things about butterflies and flowers, and all the happy things in life. This blog has just lost all meaning to me.

I do not know... maybe I will come back to this after thinking about it. I just do not know right now.

Well, back to "The Never Ending Journal"...

Friday, November 19, 2010

If You Asked Me How High School Is...

... I honestly would not know what to say.
So many things have happened since 8th grade. Now, all of a sudden, I am a freshman, and my world has practically been turned upside down. I feel as though I have made a some new friends, but no new best friends have shown up in my life yet.
I have also lost a few friends this year, but I honestly think I will be alright in the end.
However, I do so believe that I am on the verge of losing a very close friend... it's rather depressing, how now when I look at my friends, I just do not see the people I would happily be friends with. This person is embarrassing, that person changed negatively, and the list goes on.
I feel as though I am being a brat, trying to pick and choose my friends... but honestly, what's the point of being friends with a person you do not enjoy being around.
Because I just do not feel right being around some of my friends.They have made new friends, and moved on just fine, leaving me behind in the dust. So why do I not just move on, too?
Because I want someone I can call a best friend, too.

Marching band is probably the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. I have met some amazing people, and even though I still do not have a best friend, or even many close friends, most of my good friends are in marching band. It's just been an amazing experience, and I am so sad that the season is over already...
But hey, that's what Indoor (Percussion) is for. (:

Well I honestly do not remember what I was going to write after that, so I am just going to publish this now... good-bye for now!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Been A While...

But it feels like it's only been a day.
Because the drama's stilll cheap, and so are the people.

So it's been a while since I posted anything... Well, high school started back in September, and I've been super busy with homework, marching band, and a few other activities.

Once I turn on my laptop though, it feels like I'm in August again.
The lies. The backstabbing. It's all still here, and it won't go away.

I kind of lost the point to this blog... I originally made this to vent about things and people bothering me, without friends or anyone from school finding it... well that's out the window now, thanks to no one buy my stupid self. I was thinking about making another blog, though. With my other email. I've yet to find the time to, though. I've just been kind of busy. But it would be nice to get on here everyone once in a while and just vent, like I wanted to do now.

I think I'll just go and read some of my old poems I wrote a while ago...

And if there's one thing I've learned though everything from August, that's continuing itself now, it'd be that change is inevitable. The seasons change, the sky changes, the leaves change, people change. Nothing ever stays the same. And now, I bow my head in memory of what was, used to be, and will most likely never be again.