Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hi "Marie" :)

Just posting this one to say "Hi Marie". Alright, new post, new topic. Because now that this post has a smiley in the title, I feel as though I've tainted it with happiness and a less-serious tone. So, I'll just post something else momentarily. Possibly. If I don't change my mind about that.

So anyway. Bye. For now.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

School Starts In A Month...

So school is starting up again. September 2nd, 2010, for me. I'll be a freshman in high school *gulp*. I'm only slightly nervous about it, though. But I'll be busy, with all of the work I'll have. Here's the courses I'll have.

College Prep Algebra
College Prep French
Honors Biology
Honors English
AP World History
High School 101 (Mandatory)
Band (Yes, it's a class in my high school)

I'll also be doing Marching Band, so I'm sure to be a busy person come this fall.
Oh, and if you were wondering, the course levels in my school are (from lowest to highest): Basic, Standard, College Prep (CP), Honors, Advanced Placement (AP). So yeah, I just kind of felt the need to brag about my course load there. Sorry.

When school comes back in session, we all go shopping. Back to school shopping, of course. I'm going to try to post a list of "Must Have" things sooner or later, for this school year.

Well I'm already tired of typing, so until next time... Bye.